This week flew by! Here are some pictures.
This is a night light. I think it is for Christmas, but I leave it out all the time. I also like the white/white combination.
This weekend has been super nice outside, so we spent time around/on/under the swing set. The boys took apart the swings and now we just have chains. *SIGH*
Is Spring here yet? We bought seeds yesterday!
Union Station Ceiling.
Painting at Union Station I think we can just walk right in!
The boys set up a colored water stand with flexible pay options ($20, $30, or $100). They just put food coloring in water. GENIOUS!
Free Flowers from Hubby's work thing!
Stumbled onto this again today. The swing-less chains, the colored water stand, the photo-bombing cat in the last picture all made me smile. So fun to see life through your eyes, Haley!